
We are excited to welcome you to worship or any other event, and we hope that you feel very welcome here at Trinity! The warm and welcoming spirit of our church is one way that we try to live out the love of Christ! Our doors and our hearts are always open, and we feel blessed to have you with us anytime!

Facilities and Services Available During Church Services and Events


A nursery is available during all worship services and on Wednesday nights. To find the nursery from the rear of the sanctuary, walk down the left side aisle to the front of the sanctuary and exit from the door on the left of the pulpit. Turn left, go down the stairs and you will be facing the door into the nursery. Please leave your cell phone number with the nursery worker and keep your cell phone on vibrate during the service.


As you enter the narthex (the entry hall) of the sanctuary, there are stairs to either side. On your right, the stairs lead down to the ladies’ room and on the left, they lead down to the men’s room.

Handicapped Accessibility

Trinity offers handicapped access to the sanctuary through the education wing elevator. Park at the rear of the church and enter the building through the left most door facing the alley. Once you enter this door, you will find the elevator on your left. Take that up one level and you will be on the level with the sanctuary. For more information on handicapped accessibility, please contact the church office at 759-4206.

Hearing Assistance

If you are hearing impaired, we have hearing assistance aids available in the narthex (entry hall) of the sanctuary. You can find them in the brown box on the table. Ask an usher for assistance.

More Information

If you would like more information on our church, including spiritual growth and ministry opportunities, please contact Reverend Penny Ford at the church office Monday through Thursday (759-4206 or You may also visit us on-line at: If you would like to chat with members of our church, you can join our Facebook group. Search for “Trinity UMC Tuscaloosa, AL” on Facebook and request to join the group.

Ready to Join?

We are excited to receive you into our church membership! If you have decided to make Trinity your church home through a transfer of membership, please fill out the yellow card in the pocket on the back of the pew and bring it with youas you come to the front during our closing hymn. (note: the card has questions on both sides) If you would like to become a Christian for the first time, please contact our Senior Pastor, Penny Ford, who would love to share with you about baptism! Her number in the church office is 759-4206 and her email address is